The mission of the Association of United States Night Vision Manufacturers is to effectively and uniformly represent the total industrial base in night vision technology to the appropriate elements of the U. S. Military and Government. Specifically, the Association's mission is to foster an open and objective dialog between industry and the government regarding military posture, budget actions, requirements, acquisition planning, and export policy. Utilizing this dialog, a key purpose of the Association is to present a unified position on all issues of critical importance to the total night vision industry. An additional element of the Association's mission is to promote appropriate, consistent and coordinated actions regarding the total U. S. military night vision program.
A Brief History
In the 1979 - 80 Army budget planning process, significant shortfalls in total procurement dollars were dictating severe cutbacks in the procurement of Generation II night vision systems and devices. These cutbacks, if implemented, would have significantly impacted the industrial mobilization base, and more importantly, slowed or perhaps even stopped the development of Third Generation technology which is the basis of U. S. night vision superiority today. Based upon discussions at the highest levels of the U. S. Army and in the Congress in late 1979 and early 1980, it was suggested that an industry association was the most effective means to communicate these concerns to all elements of the Department of Defense and the Congress.
As a result, the Association of United States Night Vision Manufacturers (ANVM) was created in April 1980 as an association that would formally represent the total industrial base in image intensification night vision technology. Articles of Incorporation were filed on June 4, 1980 and on July 15, 1980, the Association became a reality with the election of officers and Board members and the adoption of By-Laws.
Officers elected were:
Michael F. Toohig—President
James D.Oglesby– Treasurer
Samuel T. Yanagisawa
James F. O’Brien
Richard Schmidt
Dr. Gerald E. Porkorny
Members of the Association in 1980 were:
General Members:
American Optical Company
Galileo Electro-Optics Corporation
ITT Electro-Optical Products Division
Litton Industries
Ni - Tec, Incorporated
Varo, Incorporated
Associate Members:
Applied Devices Corporation
Applied Systems Corporation
Baird Corporation
Bell & Howell
K and M Electronics, Incorporated.
Numax Electronics, Incorporated
ROMAC Electronics, Incorporated
Varian LSE Division
As a result of the Association’s early efforts, the concept of a consolidated procurement of night vision devices was developed within the Army. Under the guidance of Undersecretary of the Army, James R. Ambrose, the first Omnibus contracts for both Generation II & Generation III systems and spares were awarded in September 1985.
The ANVM was an early advocate of the project manager concept for night vision, which has proven to be so successful. It has pursued the elimination of recoupment costs, improved export policy and controls, and, in addition, the ANVM has provided a means for industry to better plan its future through earlier inputs regarding acquisition planning. The Association has also provided a means to present a unified industry position to government rather than a collection of individual inputs to OSD, the Army, and the Congress.
Today the Association no longer restricts membership to image intensification technology and now has forty-two member companies producing a wide variety of night vision systems, products and components for military, law enforcement, scientific, medical and individual consumer applications.
Past Officers
Michael F. Toohig 1980 - 1981
Samuel T.Yanagisawa 1982
C. M. (Woody) Wood 1983
Loren P. Thompson 1984 - 1985
Samuel T.Yanagisawa 1986 - 1992
John A. Peters 1993 - 1996
Charles E. Scholz 1997
Robert G. Williams 1998 - 2020
John T. Domalski 2021 -
Executive Vice President and Secretary:
Bruce Hahn 1980 -1983
Jack Cove 1984 - 1995
Robert G. Williams 1996 - 2011
John T. Domalski 2011 - 2020
V.P., Finance:
Robert G. Williams 2021 - 2022
V.P., Administration/Membership:
James G. Winkel 2021 -