About ANVM
The Association of U.S. Night Vision Manufacturers serves to connect U.S. Government agencies, departments, program managers, and legislators with key technology developers & manufacturers in the Night Vision and Thermal Imaging industry, in order to foster a national competitive advantage in low/no-light imaging capabilities which meets or exceeds operational requirements.Our Mission
To foster an open dialog between the night vision industry and the government regarding military posture, budget actions, requirements, acquisition planning and export policy.
Short History
In the 1979 - 80 Army budget planning process, significant shortfalls in total procurement dollars were dictating severe cutbacks in the procurement of Generation II night vision systems and devices. These cutbacks, if implemented, would have significantly impacted the industrial mobilization base, and more importantly, slowed or perhaps even stopped the development of Third Generation technology which is the basis of U. S. night vision superiority today. Based upon discussions at the highest levels of the U. S. Army and in the Congress in late 1979 and early 1980, it was suggested that an industry association was the most effective means to communicate these concerns to all elements of the Department of Defense and the Congress.
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